I'm Happy to be an American

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I was recently mugged and assaulted in Brooklyn, NY. I know. I felt violated, scared and the experience left me jaded for a few weeks. Also, it happened at 2:30pm in the afternoon, in broad daylight! Is that even allowed? Luckily, a few people witnessed, heard my screams and actually came to my rescue. They helped me, picked me up off the ground and took care of me till the police showed up.

Even though our economy stinks and I happened to be a victim of the increased crime rate due to the economic slump, I'm still happy to be living in the US. I'm so blessed that strangers were there for me and their efforts proved to me that city people are kind.

Coincidentally, much of my sewing inspiration is derived from America. The two horse prints above are Robert Kaufman fabrics and I LOVE them. Horses remind me of Texas and all things patriotic. And, the print with flags perfectly moving in sync while horses gallop in glory gives me a sense of comfort.

On a similar note, this week marks a huge gallop for sewMONI. We are bringing on 2-3 part time employees! It's important to me that our small company supports employment efforts in the USA. All of our goods are handmade in the USA one stitch at a time with much care. Our newest employees are quite talented and I am anxious to see what new things will be generated within the next few months.

Enjoy your weekend!


Photo Credit: Robert Kaufman

1 comment:

  1. Your fabric design is better. To get more design in weaveron textile click on this link....:https://www.weaveron.com



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